Someone that is know as a Dog in the Australian jail system as a lagger or a give up or a deadset piece of shit and works with the police 👮 ♀️ And writes statements on people.
Hey brother ya your walking with is a lagging dog that works with the police and writes statements on cunts
by IYKYK100 October 15, 2021
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something someone says to imply "I know I'm not supposed to behave that way."
the disorderly youth who said 'what's up dog' on appearing added irony to his behavior
by Sam20192019 May 22, 2021
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Dog is a animal that is cool and has paws
by Jackal240 May 14, 2021
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A furry potato that is worshiped by humans.
I got my dog some treats today.
by Grandmaaaaaaaaa October 21, 2020
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