Mildly comedic, faceless, multi platform internet chef. Catch phrases include Smoke Meat Not Meth and Food Porn
0nly pans makes incredible dishes.
by May 20, 2022
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A nerd who likes to mess around with people while can sometimes an asshole. Could be a friend and a good one at that. Will have your back. ( I guess)
That nerd is such a donald Pan!
Donald screw off! Stop being a jerk!
by It’s ye boiiiiiiii Johnny February 11, 2018
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Referring to"peter pan";
When a boy/man gets defeated verbally or man handled by another man in public, usually occuring between drunken teenagers and young men in there twenties at a party or social gathering.

When a male goes from boy to man via fight in public
"oh man, you so got pan handled last night at the party"
by Mary-Kate Kenna June 30, 2008
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"Jesus, you should have seen the size of that turd I just let out, it split the pan!"
by Mortiis February 8, 2017
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As a way to propose the idea of having sex, a man lays his erect perish on a tray or pan and covers it with a lid/cloth/towel. He then takes the covering off and offers it to her, as if serving a meal.
"Have you tried doing the meat pan? It works, like: 'dinner is served, Babe!'"
by ndunkeljensen June 10, 2023
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noun. The admirable curvature of a supple and fully-formed female posterior. Despite their attractive shape, loaf pans may present traffic hazards.
Man 1: Hey, check out that stainless, non-stick family size loaf pan!

Man 2: Look out you rubbernecking fool, red light!
by Norwegian Blue March 1, 2007
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An insult slightly more offensive then ur dad lesbian. Although it is not as offensive as ur granny tranny. This isult should only be used as a last resort if not u could be another ur granny tranny victim.
Robert: ur mum gay
James: no u
Robert: ur dad lesbian

James: ur papa pans

Robert: ur granny tranny

James: *blackhole forms in ass succing James instantly to hell*
by Me. I am always right March 12, 2018
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