A gay piece of shit used to fuck up your mind, kill your creativity, waste your time, to put pressure on you, never consider homework necessary for your life because it does not impact your future or opportunity. In summery it's just fucking mindset they put in you to make you seem "smart", AKA being a fucking nerd. Now homework isn't usually that bad. But if you spend 7 fucking hours on some crap you don't give two shit about, then your teachers have gone over the line. And usually, I don't dislike homework, I emphasize: I don't dislike homework, I fucking hate it, ok?
Today my grandma died but the teachers don't give a shit so they put even more homework on us, oh! finally home! oh, what is this piece of shit? oh, its called HOMEWORK. what do I do with it? BURN IT TO FUCKING HELL!!!
by Genius 123 February 6, 2019
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Work that you would do at school but u ran out of time so the teacher told u to do it at home aka HELL
Person1:omg we have some muck homework tonight
Person2:yeah is hell

Person2:I’m going to jump off a bridge I have so much homework
by The real tea<3 January 12, 2019
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What you say you're doing to cover up the fact that you're actually doing sack madness.
Lucas: "I have to do some homework."
by Excuse me, DICK October 26, 2018
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An assignment that was originally created as a punishment and torture, and still is
I wanna go over to my friend's house but I can't due to the shitload of homework waiting on my desk!
by FAZE CAMPING AREA March 28, 2021
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a torture device teachers use after school to ruin your day. i'd rather jump of a bridge.
there is a new legal torture method, called HOMEWORK.
by hi :l May 15, 2020
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A torture device, made with scratchy paper, specifically used for haunting students' nightmares.
Did you see the homework we got today? I won't be sleeping for days.
by Someone_out_there April 19, 2021
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Slave catchers
Just escaped slavery but now they tellin me to do this shit

by IntergalactalEnergy August 24, 2023
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