The direct opposite of a slow burn: when a piece of media has romance that happens so quickly it's jarring.
I knew that Wattpad book was a flash freeze when the two characters started making out in chapter 1. I should get off that app
by FyterX July 27, 2023
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A large, impressive roll of paper money with a few hundreds on the outside and lots of singles on the inside. Used by gamblers, grifters and con artists for impressing rubes that you're a whale of a rich guy.
He always walked into a deal with a flash wad, but walked out making a lot of vague promises and leaving as little of it behind as possible.
by Debt Hope December 8, 2014
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Verb. Quick Coitus. Aka: Quickie, 2 Pumps and a Dump, 2 Humps and Bear Down.
Had to stop by home for a flash nut.
by Samwiz June 18, 2023
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When consuming alcohol or cannabis and your body absorbs it as an abnormal rate. You become speedily inebriated and it takes you by surprise .
Jerry butt chugged that merlot and he’s trashed already. Dude got flash hammered!
by Seagullpants August 22, 2021
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The concieved notion that you can accomplish anything, simply because it is required of you in that moment. Even if you have no background of doing this or there's been no setup for you being able to do this in the past.
Basically a lousy way to explain away a Deus Ex Machina.
As seen on the Flash:
The Flash somehow manages to get a train to vibrate at the same speed he is, so that the train goes through some rubble in the road.
Kid Flash: "How did you do that?"
Flash: "Because I had to."
Me, watching the show: That's some Flash train-logic right there!"
by BoxerJoe June 2, 2017
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Verb: When somebody flashes their C cup+ breasts. It's a pun for smashing pumkins (the band or the act, changes based on context).
Guy 1: "Yo man this bitch hella fine"
Guy 2: "Yeah dude I saw her doing the flashing pumkins the other day, she got some big ol' titties"
by Cocaine-cola May 2, 2018
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