A beautiful and sensitive soul. His heart beats with a rhythm that captivates everyone around him. Despite his nonchalant behavior, he is very kind and emotional. He cares about how others perceive him. He prefers 1-1 time with loved ones and has anxiety when introduced into crowds. He is gorgeous. the arch of his nose, his thick eyebrows and his warm smile. He is best matched with someone who is understanding and forgiving, because he often gets jealous and has a small temper due to his overwhelming desire to be loved. he needs someone to love him unconditionally, and someone who listens. because he doesn't talk much, most of his friends are very talkative.
"Whos is that?"
"oh thats sevs boyfriend Eddie"
"She is so lucky to have Eddie"
"im sure he feels the same way"
by big0tkiller June 12, 2023
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Eddie is someone you wish you could slap your cock on
god I wish Eddie was here right now, my nuts are blue
by lucyluke12 March 29, 2022
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Eddie is a very creative and weird person . Usually very hairy. He is a very over dramatic and protective boyfriend. Eddie is also a great best friend for others . Even when eddies is being dumb he still gives the best advice
Eddie “Don’t do it
by Savannah Mendez March 20, 2019
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A rather small child who has a very underdeveloped brain that causes him to get angry very fast. His brother also plays the flute which is a very sensitive spot for him. It is also of note that he has erictile disfunction and a gigantic forehead, which prevents him from getting laid.
1: Bruh that man's brother is playing the flute
2:Oh that's Eddie's brother he is very angry about it
by A_Furry_Lol June 22, 2020
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One of the 4 big guys
Did you know Eddie is one of the 4 big guys?
by Bernadle June 27, 2022
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That dumb ass nigga who suck dick by palm trees and he gay asf never go out with that musty ass nigga he need ass creme so give him help and lotion
EDDIE : hey guys
Person: dies
by Person128 March 30, 2019
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