Hot. Short for “pillows”, the opposite of bricks.
by Silver Penny May 31, 2021
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The uwu guy
hey it's pill the uwu guy
by pillboi June 2, 2021
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Something that is told to someone in order to make them feel better, but not actually meaning it.
Me to an ugly person:”Omg you look sexy asf today”
This is an example of a pill
by Jhagor March 28, 2018
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Commonly used in college to refer to the 15-a-side game of Rugby, according to the "rugby house" the rugby ball is shaped as a pill - but we aren't too sure...
What time is pill later?

Good pill!

Pass the pill
by the_raglan_house January 13, 2023
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An individual who is overzealous, over involved, or too on to some shit nobody else cares about or wants to be concerned with at the time. Much like how a pill that you consume has the capability to over influence of your mind/mental state.
"It's been over 2 months and Dylan still won't shut up about The Wire. What a pill."
"Quit being a pill, Will, we all f***ing know Lil Nas X slaps okay!"
by easydoesit47 September 3, 2021
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The most hardcore nonexistent drug that you can ask posers if they have tried it before and they will always respond with a yes.
Carly: So, have you had krackojazz pills before? I mean, its hard to get but you guys seem like you've been around the block before, am I right?
Katie: OMG YES i luv krackojazz pillz!
by thatbitchstolemycookies! September 27, 2010
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Someone who likes to watch others taking ecstasy but not partaking them self.
Hey bob you want a round un? No I'm happy just watching you lot. You pill perv!
by Peter Piper Pepper December 15, 2016
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