Properly fit milf usually found at the school gates picking up her year 7 daughter. A wow ranges from around 27 years old to 38 years. Every school has their own wow.
“See that wow in the Range Rover
“She’s a proper wow”
by simmy.javile May 31, 2020
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Boston Ma. based "Rock radio station 107.3 WAAF" DJ's Opie and Anthony dubbed every Wednesday as "Whip em' out Wednesday." On that day ever week women everywhere across New England would flash their tits from overpasses to highway traffic below, while walking down random streets, and everywhere else. Vehicles everywhere would have WOW in big letters somewhere on them!
WOW has become the best day of the week!
by USMC13RME September 15, 2019
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If I could YEET a cow , you would go flying
by Lucinda is Lit July 19, 2020
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A word used in every movie the movie star, Owen Wilson has been in. Like, no joke. He says it in EVERY movie he is in.
*Owen Wilson*: Wow.
*Lightning McQueen*: Wow!
*Ned Plimpton*: Wow...
*John Beckwith*: Wow.
*Kevin Rawley*: Wow!
by alekzthegr8 September 24, 2018
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When you’re hitting her from behind and her butt spells out what you’re thinking, then you make the O disappear
by dumb & dumber July 5, 2020
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did you see the vine where the girl was vaping and the due was like "WOW".
by Weeeeeeeeeerrrrrreeww March 28, 2018
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What your AP calculus teacher writes on your question when you get a zero and do the whole thing wrong.
Guy 1: Yo my calc teacher wrote WOW! on my test
Guy 2: Oh good job
Guy 3: I got the whole thing makes me feel worse about myself
by concept not format October 20, 2019
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