Spring Break:
A "break" is not found in this week. This week is when students do more catch up homework ever expected because assignments have been stopped for this one week.
Senior year in high school is when there is no break in spring break
by too tired to care March 30, 2016
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Spring break is an awesome five day break from school. It is the greatest break there has ever been. It was created by Travis and he yelled it through the halls after the final school bell rang.
Travis screamed spring break as loud as he could.
by TheRealSlothKing November 24, 2016
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the trailer to summer, normally is horrible if you spend it at home. The rich kids at my private school go to Hawaii or Cancun and the Middle Class kids stay in the states, usually going to a next door state in the same region
“I’m Stoked for spring break. I’m going to North Carolina
“ That’s fun but I’m bingeing every season of The Outer Banks on Netflix”
by harryslefttoenail March 26, 2023
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When it's spring time and a man's testicles are still filled up with semen from the previous season, he's ought to do a spring cleaning. (Basically: he really needs to shag because he's been lazy all winter)
"Ah man, I better text that girl I met last summer, it’s time for a spring cleaning!"

"Dang! It's March already! I've contacted a few girls for my spring cleaning but haven't heard from any of them yet."
by Lilith666 March 24, 2019
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The act of spring cleaning refers to mass deleting and/or blocking of people on social media, specifically on your Facebook friends list. Primarily, because you have no interaction and/or they have not contacted you over a period of time.
This morning during breakfast, I did some spring cleaning by deleting a lot of people from my Facebook friends list.
by johnsteed417 October 22, 2022
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When you shout Mom/Dad right after climaxing on your stomach and cleaning as quickly as possible before the walk in.
Alex: yo my mom caught me while I was spring cleaning

Max: awe shit dude
by Fantastic404 October 12, 2018
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