What your friends call you when you won't hit that Fuckin fat Vape.
by Nigqweer February 21, 2019
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Mate, after Jack broke up with his girl, he’s ready to go on Tinder and start pummelling puss
by Bigdickbrando April 9, 2021
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Active puss chasing is the act of leaving your boys and or friends to chase some puss
Puss chasing means to chase after some girls in an attempt to get laid.
The men that partake in active puss chasing are often willing to leave their boys for dead to get his noodle wet
Friends standing in a group:
*Brad sees some hot college biddies*
*Brad leaves the groep without sayin anything to chase some puss*
Joey:dude wtf why he just leave like that what a soyboy?!
Carlos: You know what i call walking away from your boys like that, active puss chasing.
*Carlos prays to god so he can forgive Brad*
by 4skintim December 10, 2018
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When you riding a cock so hard because the second coming of Christ is here and you aint goin to heaven so you riding that cock hard and fast to escape hell
Ami: I'm dropping puss so hard on your right now.
Jack: AMEN
Ami: Jesus im riding you so fast
by @69 January 12, 2017
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If Sesame Street and garbage pail kids fucked the ending result would be a blinka puss, grease trap mixed with a plata puss. He invented backnee
Ay fool why you being a blinka puss
by Big red 88 January 28, 2021
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It’s means you got junk in the front, if someone says dang that’s a fat puss you should not be offended but instead feel a light is joy upon you.
Wow that’s a fat puss
by Bigbootiebish January 22, 2022
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A tried-and-tested way to get banned from Roblox.
Roblox puss. GET BANNED!!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!! C:<
by TidePodIngebrigtsen69 March 30, 2017
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