Someone who only looks cute on the internet
My tinder date turned out to be a cyber cutie
by Vzhshshzhsh July 22, 2020
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You record yourself chugging a beer and nominate three other people to do the same. You tag them in your FB status (serves as the invite) the people you tag must do the same.

cyber beer chug
I was tagged in Erica's video upload of her chugging a beer. She would say something like "I would like to thank Alyssa (girl she was invited by) for the nomination and I am looking forward to seeing this chain continue. I nominate: (tag three friends) .... Good luck my friends and cheers!!

cyber beer Chug
by Student- Social Media Major February 27, 2014
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Socially awkward, but in the form of online conversations or text.
Sorry I suck at starting conversations, I'm a bit cyber awkward
by ihateharrybautista May 6, 2019
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When someone shows affection to many people online, be it kissing, hugging, or cyber
Person one: I cant believe she did that.
Person two: Yeah, she is cyber-loose, man
by Endozam November 14, 2011
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Similar to cyber stalking, it is when one, usually a male, uses social media as a sort of hunting ground to find and select someone they find attractive with the hopes of engaging in sex. Once their prey is found, they will pounce on them and proceed to send them unsolicited sexual messages and/or pictures of their genitalia. What makes it different from regular stalking is that the intent of the person is obvious and they do not try to keep their distance as a stalker normally would. They will often instantly message their prey the moment they spot them and will continue to message them despite receiving messages that explicitly ask them to stop.
That guy has been on Facebook for the past hour and all he's doing is clicking on profiles of pretty girls and checking his DMs. He is obviously cyber hunting. What a fucking creep.
by Helper Boi January 14, 2019
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Hitting both a Juul and a Pax Era at the same time. Also known as a E-Moke
Kevin: "Let me hit a cyber spleef so I can sleep"
Thomas: "That's whats up"
by Aster Cornwallace February 13, 2018
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Cyber Social Anxiety is a condition that someone has when they have a fear of socialising with others online possibly due to past experiences getting cyber bullied, doxxed, or even no reason at all.

Typically, those people may have little to no online presence, including no social media and may request not to have their pictures taken in case it shows up online where they would get made fun of.
“Why don’t you have an Instagram?”

“Because I have Cyber Social Anxiety.”

“What’s that?”

Same thing with Social Anxiety but online.”
by yourbestiefriendleo August 5, 2023
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