4 definitions by yourbestiefriendleo

the name comes from two words. shawol being the fandom name for shinee fans and ethereal (by google's meaning) "extremely delicate and light in a way that seems not to be of this world" meaning that the shawol is sensitive, easily hurt and the light would refer to jonghyun. they really love him so he pretty much a part of them. since the word can also be used for jewellery and that's was the theme shinee went for, it made sense to go by this name.

usually it's a new shawol that has a super strong chemistry with kim jonghyun, a member from shinee, and interacts with him by looking at his videos, talking to the moon and even gets upset whenever they see funeral pictures of him. however, they could get crazy by crying when they don't see the moon, send letter/calls himself and pretends that it's jonghyun, would buy a cardboard cut-out of him and would use that to do weird acts with him and actively flirts with him, all whilst still in denial that they're in love with him. you may think this is bad but oh boy it gets worse-

(also the gif is what I wanna do to the crazy ethereal shawols)
"this is the room of an ethereal shawol. so if you see anything that is jonghyun or can be used as a "toy" then don't touch it."
by yourbestiefriendleo January 25, 2022
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An African tiktoker who likes K-Pop.
“Guys have you seen Minsunq’s videos on tiktok?”

“No, what are they like?”

“They are cool and interesting to watch?”
by yourbestiefriendleo January 14, 2021
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A type of persona online (mainly on twitter) with an edgy personality that would harass users simply for doing the bare minimum such as replying to a post and then get hated on for it. May even stalk your account to make you look bad and get their followers to harass you too. Can be very manipulative and could also participate in cancel culture with people they don’t like.

Also, their humour are usually based on stan twitter and memes that would tell people to end their lives as a “joke.”
Person 1: I just got harassed by a random girl online. All I literally did was reposted a meme that seemed interesting and they’re telling their followers to send death threats.
Person 2: Oh boy… you got a Twisha in your case. Just block abs report them if possible. Nobody should be treating you like that.
by yourbestiefriendleo May 18, 2022
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Cyber Social Anxiety is a condition that someone has when they have a fear of socialising with others online possibly due to past experiences getting cyber bullied, doxxed, or even no reason at all.

Typically, those people may have little to no online presence, including no social media and may request not to have their pictures taken in case it shows up online where they would get made fun of.
“Why don’t you have an Instagram?”

“Because I have Cyber Social Anxiety.”

“What’s that?”

Same thing with Social Anxiety but online.”
by yourbestiefriendleo August 5, 2023
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