When you slap bio-freeze on you dick and shove it in her ass and watch her freeze then squirm.
by The frosty slide October 24, 2020
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When a female urinates into a condom, freezes said condom, and uses it as a dildo
"Girl I dont even need a man, I'm about to pull a Mr. Frosty and handle my bidness"
by Jerry Jenkum May 18, 2018
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When a girl allows a man to shit in her mouth, and then the man ejaculates on top of the shit, usually during a form of scat play. The end result looks like the Wendy's half and half frosty that consists of chocolate and vanilla.
I paid a bit extra for it, but the girl at the brothel let me do the frothy frosty on her!
by OBS_Borfio May 19, 2019
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one who is cold, sarcastic, or rude
When at a club, if a girl ignores your request to buy her a drink, she is "tre frosty"
by Calejandro December 6, 2010
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A person who is sexually frigid and unlikely to be sexual, even with a reasonable partnership match.
Frosty - as in barren, frigid, unfertile, too cold to show any signs of life in there/unwilling to have any life in those knickers/panties under any circumstances. Frosted over so as to be immovable to allow access to what is clothed by the knickers/panties.
Not to beconfused with voluntary or enforce chasticy, Incel, celebacy, sapiosexual or demisexual.
"That person has Frosty Knickers/Panties - they resist any kind of sexual talk or respectful approaches because they're irrationally oppositional to having sex with their perfect Partner who they would otherwise find highly sexually attractive."
"Damn girl! Have you got Frosty Knickers now you've got me into your bedroom, I thought you were joking about looking at your etchings."
by MattJKing71 November 29, 2021
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An Inside job that everyone is aware of
Dude, I think that was an Inside job.
Man, everyone one knows that, it's a Frosty inside Job .
by Igeloi March 9, 2017
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