the emma kate is a spelid creature. with wavy golden hair and seafoam green eyes, she attracts all the boys. she is the sweetest of creatures, when she wants to be, and always has a smile upon her face. some people, such as myself, do not associate with her at school; she can be a little intimidating. she is the captain of the volleyball team and lacrosse team, and is very interested in animals. if you come across the emma kate, stay away if she is with her thousands of followers, but if you catch her alone, dont be afraid to stop and say hi!
boy #1: dude...
boy#2: holy crap
boy#1: is that...
boy#2: its a-
boy #1: its a emma kate!!
boy#2: go get her snap bro
by staceys_mom January 28, 2021
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This is a descriptor for when something has reached it maximum level of adorability. So if something is as adorable as possible it has the quality of "ashley-kate-butler".

This word functions best as an adjective with a qualifier like "completely", "so" or is best negated by "lacking".
Wow, that baby kitten is completely ashley-kate-butler

Last week my niece ate a baby-motherfucking-cino with her pinky finger raised. It was ashley-kate-butler.

That girl thinks she's hot... but she's lacking any ashleigh-kate-butler.
by twocakesforeveryone May 1, 2013
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Ginger, lots of friends 👎, smc
It’s Kate’s
by Kate’s October 14, 2018
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Melissa Kate is a loyal friend who is someone you can come to talk to about anything. Melissa Kate hates to see others hurt or

struggling for that matter and will try and help you or care for you through thick and thin so don't take her kindness and goodwill nature for granted. A human that will do just about anything to get whatever it is that she wants, no matter what and not in a negative type of way. She knows how to handle shit and makes shit happen so make sure you have a Melissa Kate on your team. Melissa Kate is also a loyal girlfriend. She is usually really really small and super cute around 5'1 in height but in an instant can and will turn into a 6'4 person with a no mercy"attitude if you cross her so treat her right and she will give you the world I promise! Melissa Kate loves variety and random adventures and despises boredom and people not keeping shit real. She will tell it like it is no matter how big and bad you think you are so don't lie to Melissa Kate or she will eat you alive. You will be lucky to have a Melissa Kate in your life if one happens to come along so cherish her and keep her near and she will be your ride or die for life.
"Oh you need help with something"?
Go ask Melissa Kate, if there's a way she will find it!
by Bluepineapples4420 June 29, 2021
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a common whore who struggles not to try fight everyone they see. she is usually riddled with stds, has an extremely large hole and a loose arse. they are known to only like men with cars/money. these girls are normally white and think there the shit. they are usually leaders of their small sad group of girls. many boys wanna stick there d in her. these girls are normally sexy and love a good laugh. are also commonly known to cheat on partners.
“kate robinson is an absolute sort, how much do you think she costs?”
by fannywobbler1234 February 13, 2019
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When girls named Kate, ignore there squad of friends for an unknown reason.
Kate was kateing Tim because she thought he was being a dick.
by Matt428 December 7, 2017
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