Someone who is very very very very very massive in terms of what they are packing if you know what I mean.
Damn, Prince is MASSIVE.
by Zawarudo November 23, 2021
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A very athletic person who loves basketball and is loved by every girl and has a big black cock
Prince is very humble and has a big dick
by Prince ✅ November 24, 2021
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A boy who starts looking like a man before 16, who learnt to walk in 6 months, who is 6 feet 1 inches tall and never eats junk food. He criticize men eating junk so much that they quit it and join his cult. Girls may pop each other's eyes to see him walking like a king, he is a monk by mind and a lion by body.
"Act naturally, Prince is approaching!", whispered his enemies.
by I've seen a Prince! September 12, 2022
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Royal and help everyone whenever in need.he is a silent guy but his interior a devil sleeping . He hides many secrets in his heart and love everyone 🙂
Like a real prince
by Why_uio November 25, 2021
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very sexy and he will fuck ur bitch
u know prince

hell yeah he took my bitch and fucked her
by i take ur bitch January 26, 2022
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Term used in response to a friend telling you some 'breaking news' that has been common knowledge for a long time
"Mate, did you know Prince died...."

"Mega Prince mate"
by J5B August 30, 2022
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