When you're really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really bored
you: wow i'm bored
you also: '"1!2@3#4$5%6¨7&8*9(0)qwertyuiop´`{asdfghjklç~^}\|zxcvbnm,<.>;:/?¹²³£¢¬§ªº°
by my completely real name September 27, 2022
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“If You’ve Seen & Subscribed To INSERTLUCK.EXE, You Are In The Redd Zone.”
I like ipμn 0:13
by INSERTLUCK.EXE December 18, 2021
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A booster 0 life is basically a bastard.
"Ao I fucked yo gurl last night."

- "Booster 0 life, I'mma rip yo head off."
by Liridoni July 18, 2019
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Another way to draw a sword
Draw your sword
Me: 0====)~~~~~~~~~~~~~>
by \_('')_/ February 19, 2020
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It's 0. How did you not know that?
I knew you will search for this because you never took a math lesson.
Uhhh... What is 0+0?

(Some seconds later)

Oh! I got it! It's 0!
Get the 0+0 mug.