i’m kayla bahahahahh
by July 25, 2022
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A female hoe bag slut who is heartless as a demon from hell and when she's mad at you , hits you till you hit her back then calls police and plays victim and has you locked up in prison
Friend : hey do you know that bitch
Me : yeah she a Kayla jacksonafter we fucked she tried to have me put in the pen when she got mad
by Sharkboyg420 January 18, 2023
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Kayla is a beast who is the embodiment of beauty. She is hot as fuck, with a killer body and damn nice thunder thighs. She is kind and is a damn good catch. She will make you fall and then help you get back up. She has an intoxicating smile that you can't help but smile along with. She is such an amazing girl and she will always be honest, whether or not you're offended.
Boy1: You ever heard her full name?
Boy2: Yea its Kayla Ann Gatton, doesn't it flow nice?
Boy 1: Damn your right
by 1233987623 November 6, 2018
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A fucking annoying bitch. Who is an attention whore and so fucking selfish only caring about herself not about others. Always trying to be popular and trying to hard and act dumb because she thinks it make her attractive which it doesn't. She doesn't share and acting like she is the MOST POPULAR GIRL in school which shes not. She thinks she pretty but no have she looked herself lately. Wants boys to like her when she is Faker as a barbie doll. She is so fake. She thinks everybody like her but no she is a freakin bully. She makes fun of people with disabilities. She doesn't try she copies off you paper so if ya sitting near a Kayla Chouen better watch out for ya paper and dont partner up with her she will make you do the work pretending shes doing something to help but naw unitl you get the answer. She is the most fakest bitch and attention whore i ever MET. She says dumb stuff and does dumb things.
Girl: "oh who is that bitch"
Girl: "oh that's the attention whore Kayla Chouen"
by agfhdgkjadjkgkhakgaj March 8, 2014
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Lauren and Kayla are Besties and automatically that iconic duo. They are very different But that’s what brings them together. They’re the baddest b***s in their friend group and the prettiest. all the boys are Obsessed with them and always try to talk to them while all the girls are jealous of their good looks. they always spend time together in and out of school. they have a great sense of humor and make everyone hype. they are CRAZY together. they will always be there for each other and never let go of there friendship.
omg there’s Lauren and Kayla!”
by grace bono November 12, 2019
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Kayla-Rae is her whole first name! She’s a vibe!
Kayla-Rae is amazing
by Cinnamon95 April 4, 2022
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