A guy who hangs out at gay bars pretending to be gay. His Modus Operandi is to trick an unsuspecting female patron into thinking he has never been with a woman before and that she'll offer to be his first. A pathetic creature to say the least. Sometimes the joke ends up being on him as the odds of bringing home a transtesticle have increased ten-fold.
Female- Do you come here often?
CF- All the time. I'm gay you know.
Female- Ever been with a woman before?
CF- 500 men but not a single woman
Female- Do you want to try it?
CF- I don't know if it's me or the Wine Cooler talkin' But Yeah I'd like to try it.

later at the motel

CF( reaching into female skirt upon grabbing hold of a hairy set of nuts)
You ain't a woman!!!
Female(now male) What kind of fag reaction is that!! Your not a fag after all. I know where you hang out wait til I tell your friends.
by Tommy R May 26, 2005
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the male counterpart to fag hag meaning a gay males best friend
by Anonymous October 1, 2003
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Can be anybody, but usually teen guys in high school who drive gay Hondas and think that they have the coolest car ever. They think that their shitty 4 or 6 cylinder engine will blow away any 8-cylinder muscle car. Then they think it's cool to redline their RPM's so that they think people want to stare at them because it's "cool" when in reality no one gives a shit and everyone hopes that you drive your gay honda as fast and it can go and total the car while also killing yourself in the crash
Honda fag: Yo this car will blow your Mustang away

Mustang guy: Really? Why don't you just kill yourself right now so I don't have to deal with you!

Honda fag: Whatever bro you're just know that I was gonna win anyway (speeds off and hits a telephone pole)
by Musclecar1995 November 28, 2013
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People that conform to 'new' trends that are viewed as 'cool'. In return these people are accepted by acting like one in the crowd of unoriginal 'self' social ruling and ignorant people. This is mostly seen in High School where only certain looks and trends of music are conceived 'cool'. This leads to unoriginal one minded thinking. These people have no personality of their own other than how well they adapt to mainstream culture.
Look at Selene, she's trying way too hard to be a "mainstream fag".. Dressing like Lady GaGa.
by buhbuhbryan December 16, 2010
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A staight woman who loves the company of the gay male community, such as drag shows, and going to gay bars. She also has a best friend that is gay and the have everything in a hetro relationship except the sex part. And they share what best girlfriends have incomon. Most often the gay men she hangs out with ecspcially if she is beautiful are attracted to her, but the attraction is only them admiering her beauty and the drag queens want to be her. And her main fag is usually very proud to have her as a hag. And a true fag hag isn't ashamed to admit who she is.
Joshua and Marie are best friends.But Joshua is gay, and Marie is straight. She spends a lot of time with him, they go out to gay bars together, he does her hair, she takes care of him, and they even scope out guys for eachother, and even go out in drag together. He loves his hag and she loves her fag. And that a fag hag
by Dawn Sumner May 25, 2004
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Someone who explicitly uses the shotgun in a first person shooter, especially Call of Duty, where shot guns are often overpowered.

Even more true on small maps, where the spawn points are stupid and close together, allowing said SGF to run rampant shooting without even aiming and mow people down. Examples: U-turn, Rust, Get Away, Shipment etc.

Takes very little skill as it is a point and shoot weapon, and very powerful. It is not an illegal form of play, but is quite frowned upon and frustrating for opponents. 100% of people would agree however, that it is fun to do occasionally for the sheer madness and angst you will cause your enemies.
Random player attacks with Striker shotgun in Modern Warfare 3: BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM

Enemy dies: "Freaking Shotgun Fag! This is so retarded!"

Random player: "Trolololololooo!"

Enemy: Rage Quits
by Smart1 August 14, 2012
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flip flops that are worn by a dude, often referring towards how gay they are
Jim- "Steve, What the hell are those?"
Steve- "Just my sweet new flip flops from Hollister"
Jim- "Look like fag flops to me"
by Jimmy Orlander August 8, 2007
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