Standard blues song popularized by B.B. King. Has the following verse in it that everybody knows. (Anybody who has been listening to blues and knows their Mojo from their Baby, also please note that the song was performed most frequently in the 50s, when a 10 dollar dinner was pretty expensive)

"I gave you a brand new ford, you said 'I want a Cadillac.'
I bought you a ten dollar dinner, you said 'thanks for the snack'
I let you live in my penhouse, you said it was just a shack.
I gave you seven children, and now you wanna give 'em back! Oh how blue can you get?"
"How Blue can you Get" is perhaps B.B. Kings best work.
by Matt April 26, 2005
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when you've dominated a situation, and every bitch knows!
I absolutely smashed that test, raah sick you get me!

This caviar is delightful, raah sick you get me!

I just met James Hancock, raah sick you get me!
by Lexington Steele's bitch March 22, 2013
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August 24th is a day where those who have the inability to spit game or riz up can come together and celebrate bad they are at attracting those of the opposite/same sex
John: bro have fun celebrating
Michael: celebrating what?
John: national you get no bitches day unlike you I can't celebrate cause I actually get bitches
by Jimmy winger August 10, 2022
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the more truthful version of the idiotic: "what do YOU do ??" which is simply a nosy way to find out someone's money source! if the source isn't 'approved' , one can wave goodbye to their (would-be) 'slice' !
that bitch asked: where do you get money ? i was, DAMN! , if i tell the truth i won't have a CHANCE of "cracking that crotch" !

if you sound half intelligent, "they" want to know: what do you do ? sometimes, i like to speak cretinese, which shuts the where do you get money ? types right down "
by michael foolsley May 7, 2022
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Basically means "why are you...", as in "why are you having sexual relations with my wife, friend?"
Or, as most of us would put it:

"Where the fuck do you get off fucking my wife, asshole!?"
by PoopyPoo April 30, 2005
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