A country which is actually quite good apart from the fact the Welsh won't shut up about the fact they think the world hates them.
1st Welsh person: "We're a minority don't ya know?"
2nd Welsh person: "I know. Everyone hates Wales."
1st Welsh person: "Lets continue to push people away by being very patriotic and making sure people know that we resent all strangers."
by Ruth1993 April 30, 2008
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The Welsh language has good swear words. Actually, those are the only Welsh words I know.

Ydy hi'n wir fod Seimon yn bwchio Dafydd?

Simon sure is shafting David.

Welsh people sing well too. I mean, you know that chick whose... young.. and she was in that movie with the singing? she was Welsh, or played a Welsh person. Her father was a drunk rock star.
Timmy: Do you like Dragons?
Sam: Why, yes I do, Timmy.
Timmy: The Welsh flag has a dragon on it, bitch!
Sam: Blow me.
by crabuloux occifer December 2, 2004
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The most geographically beautiful country on Earth. Full of rich history, culture, and the nicest people in the world.
Wales is so awesome their flag has a fucking DRAGON on it.
by Beatlesman October 24, 2011
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A very handsome good looking boy, who is loved mostly because of his cuteness and his lovely dimple smile. Every girl wants a wale either as a friend or as a partner. Most of the wales are always good academic subjects, mostly mathematics.
Wales always have that one role model who they can die for. Better get yourself a wale.
Mom: who is your boy friend?!!
Me: wale!!
by Jixzy September 14, 2017
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A substitute for on God or ong for people that do not wish to curse at God.
“only thing i like about family reunions is seeing my fave cousin
“LMFAOOOOOO on waleed 😭💯”
by notremaine April 7, 2020
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Devolved country within the United Kingdom of which no one outside the U.K has ever heard of.
Invaded, conquered & then promptly forgotten about by the English around 700 years ago the Welsh maintain a strong and very one sided rivalry with the their Anglo-Saxon neighbours. The English, to busy maintaining their rivalry with the French take very little notice of this.
Like many countries with a relatively small population and large agricultural base( i.e New Zealand, Australia, Scotland) the people of Wales are the targets, and original victims, of the epithet 'sheep shagger'.
Wales seems to produce an above average output of very attrative ladies (Catherine Zeta Jones,Charlotte Church, inumerable Big Brother contestants) which has been specualted to be the product of either a healthy rural diet, good clean valley air or that they simply evolved this way as the only means of tempting welsh men away from their sheep.
Wales allegedly has it's own language but that fact that it sounds like a horse coughing up phlegm and and all the words contain more vowels than constantants have led many to beleive they're simply taking the piss.
Main exports: Sheep, coal, socalism, Big Brother contestants, pop bands, rugby.
Q. Excuse me, are you English?

A. Fuck off boyo, I'm from Wales.
by El B@stardo February 12, 2009
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a message to you Americans we british doesnt mean english so next time you think of the british don't think about tea think about pwitty fwowers and awesome accents and welsh cakes and people that have the oldest language in europe. think about these things a welshman invented the = symbol
a welshman named mount everest

and we have the oldest record shop in the world
and granted we have more sheep than people in wales but we are kind enough to give them to you unabused
some guy: hey look its a welshie

some guys friend: haha lol twatfag

welshie: throws famous people from wales at them
by welshcakeman February 7, 2010
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