An adjective used to describe any saying, catch phrase, or song that is easy to get stuck in your head, and really hard to get out.
I can't stop saying the word EPIC! It's so stick-in-your-head-able !
by ilikebread21 January 16, 2011
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Someone who is show stopping beautiful is aka smack your head beautiful, to see if you are dreaming!
Lisa is smack your head beautiful, l took her to a party and everyone was silent when she walked in.
by I, Wreckerrr July 13, 2021
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"I'm going through some rough times right now.
"It's ok, just keep your head up."
by b4tman May 19, 2014
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“why can’t you wrap your head around the fact i don’t like you!!”
by mackoronincheese December 29, 2022
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An insult, roughly equivalent to get lost or in some cases go fuck yourself. As far as I can tell, it is mainly used in Britain.

variation exists: Awa' an' bile yer heid! (Scottish)

The origins of this phrase are as follows, from

"This relates to the fact that in South Pacific societies cooked food was 'noa' or the opposite of tapu (tapu is loosely translated as sacred though it has a deeper meaning than that). The head was considered the most sacred part of the body and one doesn't usually pat children on the head, or stroke a person's hair. An exhortation to turn your head into cooked food was regarded as the greatest possible insult."

Weird stuff.
Oh, go boil your head, you fermented bastard.
by NeNay June 2, 2005
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A phrase someone tells you when you're not thinking clearly or acting right. get your head straight, straighten up, act right, get it together, focus, wake up, straighten out, fall apart, act out, screw up, mess up, misbehave, disorganized, discombobulated, confused
C'mon man, get your head right! That's the fifth free throw you missed this game.
by joecoolthefool May 26, 2016
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A phrase that comes from Liverpool. to ask someone to re-think what they have said.

Can be exaggerated however needed. e.g give that big dirty head a good old wibble wobble.
"lets go to the library"
"haha, give your head a wobble!"
by Scouser29 November 5, 2007
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