Low is an alternative to the popular internet word "lol." It has been scientifically proven that people that use "lol" are in fact friendless losers that spend their entire life trying to earn the right to say low. Low was formed as a joke and has greatly spread. As "lol" means "laugh out loud", "low" means "Look out wall." It has been said that this definition has no real meaning, but a made up idea is that it means that since you are laughing so hard, you want to warn the wall that you might hit it. The popularity of low has grown in the last few months and things such as fan sites (www.freewebs.com/lownotlol) and fan clubs (www.myspace.com/lownotlol) have been created. Su-Fi
Blind Optometrist: Heyy man! You won’t believe what happened to me.
Krazy Karl: dude what?!?
Blind Optometrist: I stepped in a big pile of shit today
Krazy Karl: low
Blind Optometrist: low
Krazy Karl: that was so funny
by Ethanopian March 20, 2005
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slang term for lower-tabs
Got them low lows for cheap from the dude down the street
by sdfja;lskfj;ad December 8, 2008
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lows.... 34876587456 points if you put it in the right place along with ska.
by Amanda June 20, 2006
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laughing out wildly or laugh out wildly. Laughing in an uncontrollable manner. In some cases one can actually have some tears coming out or even in extreme cases one can fart or pee whilst laughing, that's how crazy the laugh is..
just after someone says something hilarious you can say low instead of just lol (laugh out loud)
by Adzola April 23, 2010
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The name of a orpg called Land of War
LoW is a orpg where you can kill people without feeling sorry for doing it LOL.
by Scratte August 27, 2009
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A state of mind where one is completely out of it, often from a continuous lack of sleep.
Dude... I feel so low right now!
by Saul Silver October 7, 2008
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The effect of anti-crack. The opposite of being high, a boring and blinding feeling.
Mas: Dude, what's wrong with you? You're crashing into everything.
Illa: Man...I'm so low..I can't find anything to do.
by MasillA September 10, 2009
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