You're such a Dunk! I wish my lover was as good as you!
by itsabob March 23, 2003
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Is when a man positions himself so that his bum hole is adjacent to the womans minge then poo'ing up her vagina.
I had sex with this fit girl, she asked me to dunk her, i had an indian that night so it got a little too runny but i managed to get her twat right shitted up. we did the dunking 3 times that night
by geoffffffffffffff November 10, 2007
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When a girls ass its so big when she walks in hall ways it hits the side of the walls, makinga a ba dunk-a-dunk noise. also when slapped it jiggles anywhere from 5 seconds to 4 hours
1. damn kim your ba dunk-a-dunk butt is denting the walls in the hall
by dpizzle February 21, 2005
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a gay man having an affair with a fruit booter. this involes having sex under halfpipes.
Louis: dude I just fucked the shit out of that homo fruit booter at the skatepark.
Dirk: You're gay???
Louis: Yes, indeed I am.
Dirk:Are you married?
Louis: You mean like when you have a wedding with a....girl???
Dirk: Ummmm yeah.
Louis: Eww....umm I changed my mind about that shit with Holly.
Dirk: Fag bag.
by those hot bitches December 4, 2005
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Unable to type, text, or talk correctly on your phone or computer because you are too drunk.
"I have to let you go I'm way too dunk to talk/text"
The "R" is left out of drunk because it obviously makes what is already a popular and very catchy word "dunk" At the same time when put into proper context "I'm too dunk" "can't talk I'm dunk" it will not be mistaken for a "slam-dunk" as in Basketball. It will be a known word to the receiver or viewed as a typo which often a sign itself that you are drunk.
by Jeebiez February 28, 2012
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