the bad luck of having a guy say he likes you and so then all loyal friends of his refuse to date you regardless of whether anything even happened with the first guy.
Mary had the Churro Guy Curse (CGC) and could not get a date for the rest of high school.
by MaryC636 July 8, 2006
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To have anal sex.

To have anal sex with a Spaniard.

To have anal sex and wishing you had a churro instead of butt pains.
Bro 1: "Hey did you go to Spanish Club last night?"

Bro 2: "Yeah, and I saw a guy dipping the churro in chocolate."

Bro 1: "Don't go to Spain."
by collapsing-a-hole March 21, 2010
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Putting your penis inside of a friend’s butthole that has frosting all over it.
“Hey Alex, wanna frost my churro? I have the frosting ready!”
“Sure Manny I’ll let you frost your churro real good!”
by -ImpaKt June 3, 2018
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1: ( verb) when an old hispanic man dresses like Papa Noel, Holds a churro at his crotch. Another person milks the caramel out of “penis churro” while making a wish.

2: ( Adjective) What a silver fox dick tastes like
1. My uncle asked me what I wanted for christmas, I gave hime a rusty taco churro and said, cash.

2. I met chad on sugar babies. He showed me his net worth, I went down on him and it tasted like a rusty taco churro.

also the chain rusty taco has best churros.
by Godzeera66 February 7, 2021
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Un churro de mota” is a term/slang that people use to refer to a blunt of weed.
Guy 1:Ay compa prendase un churro de mota.
Guy 2: bet compa!
by Big veiny black pene March 6, 2021
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A very polite and very Mexican way of saying "put my penis in her vagina." Aka the cholo's mating call.
Carlos: "Hola chica, por favor let me stick my churro in your soft taco."

Chica: "Oh sí, only if you squirt on some of your special sauce!"
by SC Locin' August 23, 2014
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One who enjoys hocking the churro i.e smoking chode, polishing the knob, or just plain old sucking cock
Henery is the biggest churro hocker, he just never stops I swear to God.
by Mr.Twang July 14, 2014
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