A cross between two purbred breeds of dog: The Pug and the Boston Terrier. Many people trying to sell these dogs will tell you they've been crossed to prevent breathing problems, but ask yourself: Why cross two breeds that BOTH have smooshed faces to prevent breathing problems? Hmm.
"My sister just bought a Bug puppy and it's the ugliest dog I've ever seen."
by K9Trianer5 January 23, 2007
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Abbreviated form of the phrase "cozy bugs." The act of getting into bed early with multiple blankets, thus creating extreme comfort.
"It's been a long day babe, how bout we get bugs tonight?"
by Michael Vincent March 12, 2009
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1.Used to describe an ugly person.
2.Used to describe a very dumb person/thing.
3.Also used to ask a question in an online game, such as Gears of War.
1.God dang! Bobby's mom sure is one ugly bug!
2.God dang! Whoever said 2+2=5 is a bug!
3.Aye man! You a bug?!
by ernie watson November 28, 2007
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Bug is any technical,logical error or any kind of problem or any defect in Solo Code of a Computing Program,personality or anything.
I think there is bug in sheero that he is shemale.
Ah..!!Game is not working, I think there is bug in its code.
by KAKA G REEVES August 12, 2011
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term of endearment, like "my little sod". If said wrong you are seen to be a nobba.
"Sav's my little bug!!"
by Natalie September 10, 2003
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Bug is what i call the creepy brown guy who stares at me in math.
It can be applied to any creepy guy but generally it is a creepy BROWN guy.. with a mustache- (NOT A COOL TWISTY FRENCH ONE)
-Bug just picked his nose
-Bug is winking his unibrow at me
-A creepy brown guy is stalking you? oh you mean a bug.
by ilove(BAH) November 19, 2010
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