yahoo messenger

Buggy crapware that is used to send "instant messages" that are queued for several days before being delivered or possibly lost. Also known to crash if more than three people fart at once, and the third tuesday of every month.
Damn, fucking yahell crahed again!
by Bunghole August 22, 2003
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yahoo messenger

The worst instant messaging service available on the face of the Earth. Known to drop messages, log-out at random times, and somehow confused with more advanced instant messaging services, such as MSN, AIM, and/or AOL.
by TheVoiceInYourHead April 18, 2008
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yahoo messenger

Quite possibly the worst instant messaging protocol to be used today (Although not quite as worse as ICQ)

I personally feel sorry for people that use Yahoo... hey the 1990's called, it wants it's messaging protocol back.
Hey I'm going to send a message to my friend on Yahoo messenger... oh wait that's right, all my friends use AIM or MSN.
by Domino May 21, 2007
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Yahoo Messenger

A now defunct social media client for Windows, Mac, Web, iOS and Android that was literally once the best thing ever. Yahoo Messenger introduced in 2001, IMVironments. It had characters such as Dilbert, Nintendo, and Hello Kitty trying to take your background screen. In 2004, the much-loved Adobe Flash-powered Audibles was added and a ton of them was from the satire adult show, Happy Tree Friend's. It was popular in countries such as the Philippines, and finally was shut down in 2016. It was replaced with a "new version" that had nothing to do with the original. All the other definitions other than this are incorrect, because of calling them "slow" for the older versions.
Remember Yahoo Messenger?
Yeah, I loved the HTF audibles, and those were really good. I wish Yahoo Messenger is still around today.
by JadenTheMoose September 22, 2022
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