For a woman to rape a man or forcefully have sex with them.
"I couldn't help it, the bitch taco tackled me"
by Jewles8706 September 15, 2005
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a technique to pick up girls when intoxicated. it involves falling off a couch and one-arm tackling an inebriated female, with the intent of sexual contact. it doesn't really work, and it's kinda pathetic
dude did you see that mo tackle? it was pathetic. hey billy!
by peterlee01 May 10, 2008
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Bob's always wearing those tight pants, showing off his FISHING TACKLE, and trolling for women at Wal-Mart.
by Tummyhorse90 July 30, 2013
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When a girl has many(more than 2) piercings in her hood, clit, labia, etc., her box then becomes a tackle box.
I went balls deep in that chick Stacy last night and my pubes got caught in that tackle box she calls a vag.
by Roccafella April 11, 2008
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1)getting your ass beat/tackled by a bitch

2)getting viciously tackled into some foreign object out of nowhere

1)Ahahaha, you pussy, Savannah just lesbian tackled your ass

2)Damn I was just minding my own business when i got lesbian tackled by this guy in a chicken suit who was trying to get me to go intoKFC.
by Fleepss March 7, 2008
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Using your lifted or squatted truck to run someone over. Usually will happen when someone is evading someone
Well daggum JT you should’ve seen John owen do a talladega tackle with his lifted 96 Chevy against that guy who ran from the cops
by The Zandy Man April 30, 2020
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When playing hockey, you completely miss the ball and deliberately take out the player with the hope of causing an injury
Liv vicki tackled her opponent in the hope of breaking her leg
by Apollo 11 August 17, 2016
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