When a person has a hole in their neck, placed there because of years of smoking, and another person has sex with that hole.
"I was giving your mom a Smokey Wallace and she couldn't breath"
by NIck Wallace February 1, 2007
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You see Smokey Hawk T2 do flyover at Bodedern Premier ?
by 3333333333333sdf August 31, 2022
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Smokey Taste is if you have a hookah . You open the main center toob / body . After that you grab the vase where you fill the water or etc in and except of water or etc , you put a shit in it and light it up so when sucking it , you will have specs of shit flying through the tube and into your mouth .
Chin Chang Cho - Zondi set up the hookah today to bad when i smoked it that fucker suprised me with a smokey taste .

Andy - Damn that really sucks bro , i hate that shit too .
by Mr . charles January 5, 2011
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n . When a girl farts in your face while you're eating her out.
Yea man - I knew we were tight when she gave me the Smokey Robinson and nobody flinched. I finished, of course.
by ballsoutmacin February 7, 2013
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(1) AKA cigarette smoking man. WGB Spender from the X-files or any similar MIB.

(2) Any anonymous secretive government official.
Never accept a ride in a Crown Victoria from Smokey Guy. If you do FOLLOW HIM INTO THE STORE if he insists you wait in the car while he gets another pack of smoke.
by She Snailie _@_v September 24, 2004
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To curl out a large poo on someone's lower back for sexual gratification. The 'giver' will often make a sound like a train whilst mid flow.
For their anniversary, Adam gave Phil a Dutch Smokey. Choo Choo!
by The Urban Taffy January 15, 2018
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1. To get high and fuck
2. To use Marijuana as a means to increase the chances of getting laid
3. Anyone that you smoke marijuana with in order to have sex with them
4. (variant) Smoke&Poke ( Smoke weed, then engage in coitus)
Guy 1: Dude, that chick is way outta ur league
Guy 2: Yeah no shit! I dont stand a chance.... *sigh*
Guy 1: Just do the smokey pokey ahaahhahaahahaaaa

"Remember Chris, if she smokes, she pokes" -'Lois' from Family Guy
by DaLi617 May 19, 2010
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