A persons hands, used to rip up paper into tiny pieces. Especially useful when an electric shredder is not handy but there is a necessity to dispose/destroy important information.
Person 1; Hey what happened to the credit card application I filled out?

Person 2: Oh, the papers you left on the kitchen table for our roommate to see? I used the ghetto shredder to get rid of it.
by joetv87 March 12, 2010
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a term for the people at guitar center who play extremely well (or just badass) but think they can tell you what gear and equipment to buy.Although it is only a theory,it is believed that these people are actually hired by guitar center to persuade you what to buy
the undercover shredder told me buy a gibson E3-335 with a vox amp after I watched him solo
by TAUfanatic October 15, 2009
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1. When a guy puts his hand on his Penis and his partner or whomever moves his arm, thus stroking his man meat with his hand.

2. To give someone a handjob with their own hand.
Jason Mewes demonstrated the Dead Shredder to Seth Rogen at the end of Zack and Miri Make A Porno.
by DJ Dingus January 17, 2010
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A term for a whore who sucked a lotta dick in her day.
Ah dude, look at that hag, remember from way back when? She sucked my dick like 10 times.

I know bro, she's a real dick shredder.
by DavidBlowie September 10, 2013
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Sophie: You are my fellow shin shredder
Melody: Going down to Equifest to have £50 a round my fellow shin shredder?
by Shin Shredder x April 16, 2019
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Noun. A ball-busting bitch who just won't let her man be. Talks shit 24/7, usually about her partner's career advancement. Needs to shut her ass the fuck up. Damn cunt.
Man my wife is such a Gouch Shredder, riding me everyday. Ask for raise she says, bitch how about giving me a raise in bed a few nights out the week!
by Ram Johnson April 9, 2014
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