When a compromise or proposal is offered between Bros in accordance with proper Brotocol, often relating to who gets which chick at a bar, or perhaps an exchange of currency for a deed requiring courage and awesomeness.
Bro 1: I dare you to ask that chick out with your pants down Bro.

Bro 2: Quid Bro Quo, I'll do it for $10.

Bro 1: I accept your Broposal.
by holmzi November 26, 2010
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Quid pro quo" is derived from Latin meaning "This for that." Quid pro NO quo is when you didn't get "that" in exchange for "this.
"Dude, I agreed to go out with your ugly cousin in exchange for your hot neighbor's phone number and now you're holding out on me.

I call Quid Pro, No Quo!!! You owe me my quo dude!
by Texastea1 June 26, 2011
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Lat. What for what; something for something.
A nice dinner, drinks, and a show quid pro quo, use your imagination
by gAZI March 24, 2003
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"Do unto others as you would have others do unto you" P.S. Not to do with religion but LIFE in general.
by Mo Kime November 25, 2003
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To get preyed upon by a Gila Monster, where she has provided a service (such as laundry or notes) and demands payment in drunken flesh
Batten was quid pro ko'ed when he tried to obtain free laundry services from a hydrogen peroxide bomb mutated gila monster.
by gila monster slayer March 25, 2010
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Quid pro quo is the political equivalent to a reach-around while committing rape
Trump's idea of Quid Pro Quo is grabbing them by the pussy while he's rapping them in the ass.
by too far left November 8, 2019
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something exchanged for something equal
The told me it was to be a quid pro quo, but they never gave me the info they said I would receive.
by The Return of Light Joker October 19, 2010
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