Everyone knows someone that talks and talks about their amazing sex life and sexual partners. Bragging about how they can get anyone to fuck them. Most of them are fake news fuck nuts.

Fake News-Information given to another that is not true.

Fuck Nut- Talks about how great they are in bed way to much. Fuck is sex and nut is someone that’s missing some marbles.

So Fake News Fuck Nut would be someone insanely lying about their sex life. Including who, how, when, what position etc. EVERYTHING is a total lie.
1. I’m starting to think that Dick is a Fake News Fuck Nut. He has to be in la la land because it’s too unrealistic.

2. Gina G-Spot is a total Fake News Fuck Nut! According to her every guy she meets wants to fuck her. She wishes.
by Bangin ST January 14, 2022
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A grown adult who is clearly product of a big big oopsie in the bedroom.
Person: That's not true you fuck nut cum disaster.

You: Aw.
by sa.l.t March 24, 2019
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(1) v. To take charge and/or control of a situation.

(2) v. To 'Get your dick wet' by some girl you just saw or met.
(1) "Look, you're an elevator guy, swing your fucking nuts!"

(2) "Look, you're an elevator guy, swing your fucking nuts!"
by Scruggy Gingerbeard September 12, 2019
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derogatoryword, used to insult some wierd fullah who did some wierd shit
you hog breath cum stain fuck nut!! why would you do your sister like that?
by bobbyjones@hotmail.com August 2, 2006
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Some one who genuinely has no fucking clue how to live life with out being being an absolute disappointment to everyone on earth whether they know them or not
"Hey Gary, did you see that cock gobbling tit fucking nut tugging piece of shit try to ask out Stacey to prom using pokemon cards like a retarded nerd"
by TheeSteelNutt April 2, 2020
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When you are about to cum but a family member knocks on your door and fucks up the whole thing
by Orangeboop4455 March 11, 2018
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