A word usually used on the internet and video games that describes someone who is an idiot or someone who is not good at doing something. It is often confused with newb(short for newbie), someone who is new at something.
"wtf how do i walk in this game?"
"lol gtfo noob"
by Unconcious July 28, 2009
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Generally, a word losers toss around on the internet/gaming networks in a cowardly fashion to boost their feeble self esteem.
dude this 25o pound asshole just called me a noob on Black Ops.
by pantsbaskets wofoky December 23, 2010
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cantongirth, your a god damn noob. lmbe your a god damn noob too. lets have a 1v1. rocket launcher whore.
by lmbe November 8, 2010
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Noob is an elite word used by only the most EPICEST of epic gamers. Pfffff, you said noob? Yeah right, you can't even use it properly!
hey noob! ur ugly and fat
by high cholesterol child December 6, 2018
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1.someone that lacks the essentials for doing a task, most commonly used for playing video games.2. a person that talks alot of shit even though they suck balls at it
guy 1: dude i'll freaking kick ur ass in C.O.D 4 be-ach!
guy 2: ok, let's see then ya retarded mofo.
guy 1: stfu you loser, you are a freaking hacker bitch, theres no way you could have won
guy 2: really, 75 kills to 12 kills? dude you suck balls, freaking noobs these days gosh!
by modern warfare 2, please April 12, 2009
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old and forgotten military term for "new blood" or a new soldier who lacks expiriece and skills.

now-a-days used by videogame nerds to insult people of lower levels/ranks.(none of the people i hear using it know what it means or its origin)

this was told to me by a waar veteran (my great grandfather) before he passed away.
-hey captain! whose the noob?

-that would be pvt.jones!
by ChebaccaChupacabra November 20, 2009
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Plural of "noob" or "n00b". "Leet talk" for "Newbie". A person who is not yet skilled in the ways of various computer fuctions, such as games, BBs, or Chat.
"Our usual CounterStrike server is filled with noobs today."
by Dirk February 20, 2004
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