Diff says: "Is there anything in my teeth?"
by DanJuan April 19, 2005
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A sexual act when you put your nuts in a girls vagina, and fuck her in the ass.
"Dude, she let me try the Diff Snicker last night, it was great!"
by MUGSH0T May 6, 2021
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To be, or become stuck, hindered, or otherwise incapacitated.

Also see; not working as intended.
Sucker truck on the side of the road near goughs, Bogged To Its Diffs. Poor cunts having a cunt of a Friday 😂
by Hoomphenanny September 23, 2021
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"I Must Diff" is something you say to express your disagreement with something.
Bobby: Hey dude, did you know that Amelia Earhart survived the crash! She's still alive! Totally! I read it on Wikipedia!

Gilgamesh: I must diff. Uhh.. dude. She's dead.
by YlemRat March 28, 2014
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When the mc of a peak anime blitzes the verse of a trash anime
Charles: damn I wonder what naruto would be doing rn if he existed
Intellectual individual: Didn't he get clapped by luffy? He's 6 feet in the ground rn 😹🙏 Luffy claps the midruto verse low diff
by Peak Piece Enthusiast January 4, 2022
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