At the alan carr show featuring an interview with one direction, alan carr explains how some school girl oustide his dressing room yelled for harry styles to give her some of his 'gravy'. (initially cum). It is currently used as an inside joke for directioners.

Pronounced as:

OMG! there's harry styles! HARRY! GIVE ME SOME OF YOUR GRAVY!
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A dumb ass song by Soulja Boi that epitomizes the idiocy and lack of creativity that hip hop has now become. A completely obnoxious repertoire of lyrics that has to continually remind us the shoes he has. See Bapes
Person 1: Nice shoes...what brand are they?

Soulja Boy: I got me some, I said, I got I got me some bathin apes

Person 1: You know what...just forget I asked.
by Duke of Potsdam March 23, 2008
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when you are high and you want some tacos from Jack-In-The-Box. without help from at least one other person this usually won't work
Perla: i'm high!
Jim: Me too
Perla: Give me some fuckin' tacos!
Jim: hell yeah! some fuckin tacos!
by LB Boss December 5, 2007
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The best pickup line in history. Used by famous internet YouTube star, Daniel James Howell, to his secret husband, Philip Michael Lester.
by WannaMakeOut_Cornflakes September 28, 2018
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A term that means that a guy is going out usually on the town and get some pussy or in other words get some sex.
Woman: Not tonight I got a headach.
Man:Alright,I'm gona go out and get me some.
by The Fury 13 January 29, 2011
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Cash me inside, make me some tea

1. When you visit your friends often they know to make you a nice cup of English Tea when you come over.
2. When you have an argument or a fight with someone, however it is too cold outside for either of you to sort it out outside, so you stay inside.
Example :

1. " I'm coming over Niamh, it's just a 5 minute walk, do me a favour, Cash me inside, make me some tea".

2. " OH my God how dare you talk about my mother like that you cow, it's -5°c out there ! So Cash me inside, make me some tea!!"
by adss786addss February 8, 2017
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When you ask your neighbor for some sugar, and really you just want them to come over to have some sticky sweaty sex, or make some sweet, sugary love.
"Hey there... I have a huge favor to ask..."
"Sure, what do you need?"
Lend me some sugar, I am your neighbor!
"I'll be right over with some C&H!"
by JeenaMarz August 8, 2017
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