Someone that has either never touched grass, or is outrageously racist.
1: Hey dude, did you hear about (random info)?
2: Shut up
3: didn't know you were a Lucid Shifter
by the weird guy from texas December 28, 2022
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A phone that is good, but crashes with new apps that require better software
Guy: My LG Lucid 3 is so trash every game crashes and it has less than 1GB of space
Other guy: Just buy a Samsung Galaxy
Guy: I can't, I'm too poor.
by Spaoggers September 14, 2020
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Steering in a car that feels so nice and perfect you begin to have sexual feelings for the way your car handles
After i replaced the steering pump on my camaro 1le the wheel just has lucid steering around corners
by Luciddriver52 December 30, 2017
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Lucid dreaming is when someone in a dream realises they are having a dream and can do anything they want in that dream if the believe so and can even experience the 4 senses other then seeing extremely vividly if they have the 5 senses in real life they just need to have the will power. ps: I am a master lucid dreamer and you should try lucid dreaming it is mesmerising.
Example 1. Random edgelord: *Is having a nightmare* Demon:About to kill the dude in his dreams. Random dude: *Does reality check and realises he is lucid dreaming* Demon: Bro why- *gets slapped into oblivion* Edgelord: *revives demon and kills him again*
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When you have closer & more valuable relationship with your Female friend than the individual who is expressing interest in you ... so you tell the person you are a full-on Lesbian to avoid any let-downs or awkward conversations for the remainder of the night. Clear boundaries and low-pressure -- It's the perfect way to stay in a great conversation.
"Yeah, my Lady is amazing too. We're in a Lucid Lesbian relationship. She's the best."

"No worries, that isn't even an issue. I'm a Lesbian, dude. Finish your story!"

"Well with modern dating, it's really common for people to not even live in the Same town.... for example, my girlfriend lives in Sarasota, and I live up here. We love it. One of us is taking a vacation all the time. "
by ginja***ninja May 22, 2022
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When you say something that is so smart or unexpectedthat it's actually hilarious, preferably when said by a teacher.
"I just got Lucid-ed in class today when my teacher said something so smart at the randomest time and my whole class cracked up"
by SWINE BU April 22, 2010
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A catch all term synonymous with the experience many men have post orgasm in which they may feel at peace and clear of mind, or depressed and anxious, or even a false sense of clairvoyance. It's result of the human brain's response to sex, that being lowered inhibitions, large amounts of dopamine and other hormones flowing, etc. immediately coming to a halt, which may also feel like reentering reality, or time suddenly slowing down to a normal speed. Guilt and shame can also originate from sexual activity involving a partner or pornographic material which when outside of an aroused state the subject finds unsatisfying, unappealing, or even disgusting. A second definition is the intentional suppression of sexual feelings by masturbating before an important outing or date.

In short, the sudden feeling you get after you bust a nut

Syn: post-nut clarity, post-nut guilt, post-nut depression, post-nut clairvoyance, cumming to your senses, sage mode
Scientist: Subject 01 has ejaculated. He is showing signs of regret, a symptom of Orgastic Lucidity

Person 1: The other day I jacked off and I realized why these last two weeks have been kind of shitty
Person 2: That's a pretty serious case of orgastic lucidity
by RETARDDUMBASS June 8, 2020
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