After sex, you cum on the girl's 'vulva', then lean down and take a whiff. (Everyone's loves their own brand, by the way.) You simply exclaim, "Damn girl, you smell like kipper."

(Kipper is a fish)
When John had reached his climax, he pulled out of Sally and came on her 'vulva'. Once preforming this act, he leaned down and breathed in deeply.

"Gee, Sally, you sure smell like kipper."

"Oh John, you're so silly!"

"Gee, Sally, I thought you liked the Kipper Sniffer."
by Jessica Barber January 19, 2008
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A term to describe your hand after playing with a lady, but prior to washing it.
"She let you put your hand up her skirt and everything?!"
"Yeah man got, a bit of a kipper glove now though"
by bluntforcetrauma December 19, 2016
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A short kid with a hunchback usually hailing from the land of Notre Dame. He likes his camouflage and is often caught shooting airsoft guns or taking little 2.4L 4 cylinder coupes with DOHC to the mudholes in the woods and getting them stuck beyond belief.
Holy shit dude, I saw a Kipper last night!

Dude he was slouching just like that Kipper from the movie.
by InvinsibleBear January 16, 2009
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A hirsute herring that has been split in butterfly fashion from tail to head along the dorsal ridge. They feed at the bottom of the deepest ocean (Western Pacific) and are so rare that they remain undiscovered by man.
A popular way for folically challenged druids to express astonishment in public, as in, "well slap my thigh with a hairy kipper".
by Busty Gus January 15, 2013
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Pathetic, passive, non-aggressive person who has a fat chance of becoming courageous or forthright due to a submissive nature.

Hails from wet (something saturated with water) and kipper (Scottish fish dish)...hence, a wet kipper!
Ah, don't be such a wet kipper!
by Klaus October 19, 2004
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Massive big lips that flap around like a fish out of water usually found on afro-carribean men!
Look at that kipper lipped cunt...
by Mark Shady April 17, 2008
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