A COVID pandemic isolation effect that warps time and space into an unrecognizable, unpredictable and often unwanted distortion of prior reality.
Hey, wanna go to the movies tonite?
Ha! Funny.
Seriously, and after we can go to the club for a few drinks. I think there's a live band playing.
OK, calm down. You've got temporal irrelevancy. Just sit down. I'm gonna call the doctor...
by YAWA March 17, 2021
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1. to have refuted the claim that a specific thing is irrelevant in a case or situation.

based on the word "relevant" meaning to be on topic, the main word here is irrelevant (relevant's antonym), "dis" would mean to refute (or to remove from) when added to a word (refuting is the goal when using this word).
The relevance of the the prosecutor's comment was objected by the defendant, then their claim was refuted by the prosecutor's evidence, in the presents of their dis-irrelevance they stayed there tongue in somber silence.
by masterpackman December 6, 2011
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When looking for an explanation to a word in the Urban dictionary and it has a completely different meaning than what you expect
I typed in a word *Eruption*, oh i did not expect definition like this. I'd call this urban irrelevancy
by Suklaa April 18, 2017
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An insult that is commonly used by someone who thinks he's clever to describe that someone as "Irrelevant" though it is completley out of context so makes no sense.
Guy 1: Hey you coming out
Guy 2: Where?
Guy 1 : It doesn't matter, You're irrelevant!
by ThePetDuck April 14, 2010
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An irrelevancy sitdown it a situation that becomes rediculous due to the actions of the person performing the task or because the task was not useful.
After I went through all of the trouble of filling out all the information in my browser, it crashed, and therefore was an irrelevancy sitdown.
by Shawn January 22, 2004
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When you want to agree with someone but you dont know the whole story
Wow riley is such an irrelevant hoe
by Joe garden November 5, 2015
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