
That doesn't work out
Why don't couples go to the gym relationships never work out
by Janososn December 28, 2016
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That thing where people find people that they hate less than the general population and think that being with that person(s) is at least mildly tolerable and y'know some do the sex and some don't but we're all just here to find companionship with other human meat sacks.
Girl 1: Heyyyyyy, sooooo, do you have a boyfriend? Are you in a relationship?
Girl 2: No.
Girl 1: Well I can hook you up with someone ;););)
Girl 2: No.
Girl 1: Awwwww, you're no fun! *pouts*
Girl 2: I'M GAY, KAREN
by ohfortheloveofherbgerblins March 16, 2019
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Something we all wish to have, romantic or not, but we don’t so we’re just chillin on urban dictionary
I wish I had a relationship so I could to SOMETHING else than search what a ansidjwisdjwisn is on Urban Dictionary
by I_dont_dont_know January 8, 2020
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relationshipal is the point in a relationship that is undefined... more than friends, not yet dating. or past dating and not yet engaged
Sara hopes Tod will ask her out so they can get out of the relationshipal stage.
by Azrial Leigh February 3, 2010
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Relationshipism is when you feel excluded from couple events or activities. This is slang used by single people when they don't get invited to couple events.
"What makes you think I'm not interested? Because I'm single? That's Relationshipism!"
by Com103 November 22, 2018
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