A very obese woman who has a third hand in her pussy and when you stick your dick in her the hand jerks you off, because every one knows that you cant bust a nut by hanging your dick out a window.
There has better be a hand in this hot hatchet.

Andy said he would've never gotten off his that river pig didn't have a Hatchet Hand.

Hatchet Hands are so not hot right now.
by J Clark July 27, 2006
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Male behavioral trait. The hatchet monkey is friendly to the same sex without any homosexual tendencies.
Guy who is not gay but comes off as being really gay. I thought that dude was super gay but he ended up being an hatchet monkey. You know the type!
by pigpen hallock September 2, 2007
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extremely unattractive (appearance is so horrible it looks as if someone has literally taken a hatchet to their face)
That girl is so hatchet-faced!
by Kimika August 18, 2008
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Someone who was stabbed or cut on the ass for being a bad prostitute.
“ that hatchet ass bitch wasn’t worth the money I paid her. “
by MpAoRlCoO April 4, 2018
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An oxy-acetylene torch, aka smoke wrench.
The eco-terrorists used a gas hatchet to cut the legs off the electrical transmission tower.
by galum April 19, 2010
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A fissure in the pubis area usually associated with women
of african american descent that is unusualy large and
extends from the navel to the backbone without the
separation of taint.

Having the appearance of being hit with the end of a

broad ax.
if i had known shaunte had a MOLLEY HATCHET, I WOULD

have strapped a two by four to my ass!
by driver_im8 June 17, 2009
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