I'm going to put it short and simple. A Groupie is someone having sex with everybody in one group.
Keisha: You're a groupie
Evelyn: No I'm not

Keisha: girl the other day. I heard you fucked all of them in 4 months...
by Ms.mayhem January 9, 2021
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The girls in your life that you hang out with a lot. They are not interested in you and you are not interested in them; you are all just good friends.
Yes Mom!? "Where are you going?" To hang with my Girl Groupies.
by Real_NoobToob May 4, 2020
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A person who always responds to another specific person's (i.e., the "target person") facebook status updates and links, typically within the first few minutes of it being shared.
The facebook groupie either 1) intensely romantically likes the target person, 2) wants to BE like the the target person, or 3) wants to be accepted by the target person's group of friends. The facebook groupie is often among the very first to respond to the target person's status updates/links and very rarely let's a target person's status update/links slip get by without a response.

They are often unaware how embarrassing, lap doggish, or futile their behavior appears to be. While the facebook groupie is typically of the opposite sex of the target person, facebook groupies can be the same gender as the target person.

Caveat: The term facebook groupie does not extend to family members or significant others. Therefore, you cannot be a facebook groupie to your husband/wife boyfriend/girlfriend, sister, brother, cousin, etc.
by MiriamW November 16, 2010
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A young woman, often under age, who seeks to achieve status by having sex with firefighters or is attracted the appeal hanging out in large trucks.
She's a firehouse groupie, of course she'll suck your dick, chief.
by monckee July 12, 2008
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A person who feigns closeness with someone who has recently died in order to receive sympathy and/or attention. Usually achieved by social media, this person will embellish or exaggerate a relationship with the deceased, giving a false impression that they were close friends.
"Wow, she sure seems to be sad about Bob's death. I didn't even know they were friends." "They weren't. She's a death groupie."
by Erinna Spear June 20, 2013
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Some fine ass thick bitch who stays at a groups camp and serves cock usually while wrecked on drugs and drunk. Getting a camp groupie or festival groupie is usually an aim for certain groups of men who like free sex and don't mind sharing pathetic sluts.
"That girl over there has been fucking pretty much every guy who asks."

"Yeah she's probably a festival groupie"
"Yo we need to get hold of some dumb bitch who we can turn into our festival groupie this weekend."

"Fuck I aint sure the sex is worth sharing the 2c-b"

"Fuck off you didn't even pay for it, you sesh gremlin"
by SeshKing February 26, 2018
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Someone who doesn't have any type of status or money constantly lingering around those who do. Almost like a leach.
That groupie bitch was trying to hop in our section but he couldn't even chip for the table?
by HellzAngel666 March 17, 2017
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