Ghandi's ambidextrous third nipple. It was always hidden by the cloth he wore around himself. At first you might not be able to recognize the third nipple, but it is there. The third nipple is worshiped and loved by all.
Ghandi's third nipple is our savior. All hail ghandi's third nipple! Chuck Noll loved ghandi's third nipple and cherished it like a brother.
by Taxidermist October 4, 2005
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The dumb suicide bomber, Muhammad Rabinawitz accidentally pulled the cord to the bomb,quickly yelling allah ackbar jihad allihu ghandi allah, killing everyone at his base.
by blacknigerian April 17, 2009
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Similar to “Cowboy Up” (a rodeo rider preparing for a difficult bronco ride), this is the act of spiritually preparing oneself for encounters with aggressive power-trippers either in the workplace or in social situations by following Buddhist and Taoist principles.
“Wow, Rachel, your chi is going to be challenged in the meeting today with Miriam. You’d better get spiritually prepared and, y’know, Ghandi Up.”
“I’m ready, Marcia. I read the Tao Te Ching before work and did some goat yoga as well. I should Ghandi Up like this every day!”
by MCBassGuitar March 18, 2019
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The kind intellegent leader of india that shares his valuable of chicken tikka masala with the bois, and for the bois. His knowledge has helped many cure their ass cancer and overcome LCS (Large Cock Syndrome).
person 1 : yo did u hear President napkin Ghandi's new talk?
person 2 : yea it cured my ass cancer
by potnooodle September 6, 2020
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A bipolar male with next level anger issues. Can be sweet in relationships and needy at times. Can’t sit still and on the go 24/7
Why is Ghandi always angry
by Sexytradieforever November 23, 2021
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Inspiring Indian pornstar, well known for his larger than life penis.
“You might be good at sex, but are you Ghandi?”
by wafershoes January 26, 2021
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