an awesome band from england who play a fresh new sound and are quite new but still sell out gigs.
girl:OMG!!! your the guitaerist from reasonable intent!!
adam:hey! how it going
girl: i love you
adam:not again
by fan man June 30, 2006
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Working backwards in logic, disregarding the facts in order to support an erroneous conclusion. Motivated reasoning is in contrast to logical reasoning.
I know you're telling me the fact that Saddam Hussein had nothing to do with 9/11, but my motivated reasoning tells me he did.

We invaded Iraq because of 9/11. What we did in Iraq was right. Saddam Hussein was involved in plotting 9/11.
by bronco-the-man August 31, 2009
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A play on the word 'treason' that combines 'Tea' (short in this instance for Tea Party Patriot) and 'Reason' (a homonym meaning either: purpose or rationality).

It can be defined as:

A situation in which a citizen of another country is accused of committing an act of treason against the United States of America by a Tea Party Patriot.
Huckabee: Julian Assange should be executed for treason!

Assange: I think you mean Tea-Reason? Perhaps I could interest you in a map, and a dictionary?
by marvaenaeldo December 3, 2010
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What you say when you kick someone off or out of something, because you’re afraid you actually have to get out of bed and do your job.
Krista Vernoff and Shonda Rhimes: we are letting go of Arizona and April for creative reasons
by 911yeshello April 4, 2018
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A professional ultimate frisbee team, consisting only of homosexual members.
Hey man, have you heard of reasonable squeeze? We should join.
by jabooty slayer March 20, 2022
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When someone says something crazy for no reason that might be racist of offensive.
CJ: Being white is a disgrace

Angel: Bruh CJ you being wild for no reason
by pee_jay July 25, 2017
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