N. A word, pherase or emoticon that abruptly and aquwardly ends a conversation between two or more people.
Person 1: John and I were texting yesterday then he said "lol".
Person 2: Wow, what a conversation-ender!
by XcokrokerX June 4, 2010
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The strongest mob in Minecraft. Probably the best XP source you will find in Minecraft, if you exclude Herobrine.
A: Where have you been?
B: To the End. I killed the Ender dragon!!
A: (*sighs*) I killed it 100 times.

B: How do you get the dragon egg?? It teleports away when I try to get it.

A: Bluurrrrh! I’ll give you one. Here, have this. (Hands a block of dirt over)
(B chases A into the Nether, but drops in a lava pit.)
A: Ha.
by MagicCreeper November 24, 2019
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The cops came and ended the party.

The other definition of party ender is lame.
by jebusjoe March 23, 2011
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Ender crystal is a minecraft most bigger explosion,very big than creeper or TNT.The Ender crystal can be found in The End demension.
Me:Hey look up,there are the last Ender Crystal.Lets destroy it!!!

Then we won that battle
by Tnt567 July 15, 2019
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the act of stapling your scrotum to your leg.
Holy shit, Steve-O just did the career ender!
by heartagram82 November 5, 2003
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When you happen to fart and burp at the same time.
*burp* *baaarp*, god, that was a double ender! i think i may have to wipe!
by Erik3k March 3, 2006
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