When your girl best friend says she’ll send you nudes because she’s single but then gets another boyfriend before she sends her you any.
this is such a disappointment. i was so close but i wasn’t fast enough.
by x9nyx November 9, 2020
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Napoleon Marquez; World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade.
What? Napoleon Marquez didn't get my play and charge kit? How disappointing. :(
by Lunarblade January 18, 2007
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Yea your just always gonna be a disappointment. BUT NOT TO ME
by Katiebug4926 October 26, 2019
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When you have a boner and walk into a wall but break your nose first
Mum: son, you’re a disappointment

Son: I know!
by Nsoanaoababshshdvshs December 23, 2020
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What happens when the 'dude' isn't getting a dell.
Dude: No Dell?! Fuck you, maan! I should sue!
by Bulletproof Marshmallow October 26, 2003
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