When a woman is fondling you and uses your man fluid as lubricant and shoves it up your ass
As i ejaculated, this bitch asked me if i want a wet cosmo and the shoved her finger up my ass
by Wet Cosmo April 5, 2017
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Any fellow who lives south of College Street, loves shoe shopping, lives in a very virtual world and has never visited a country fair that has a camel attraction.
"That guy over there - eating the Montreal Smoke Meat Sandwich from Schwartz's . . . he's uber Cosmo Urbane"
by Coz November 2, 2004
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A sexual act where a male partner volunterily transmits AIDs onto the other male partner.
A: Bro I just did Object Cosmos with circle dude.
B: Epic!!!
by ARGUMENT EXTENDER105 December 28, 2022
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A slightly deformed young woman with profoundly wide jawbones.

Usually selected by a Dyke who operates in the background of a widely distributed women's magazine, she is selected to be on the cover and she will be recognized by having distracting eye and lip makeup.

Paradoxically, this distraction from her jaw deformity is attractive to (or ignored by) many normal, middle-class, female magazine purchasers, and such magazines profit well from the display of their osteo-warped models. Some even go on to become movie stars despite their handicaps.

Often classified as a fetish, the best explanation is that Dykes somehow are attracted to wide jaws in females as a faux masculine trait, and thereby acceptable where a genuine male jaw would not.
Good grief Herbert, gouge out my eyes! Look at that Cosmo Girl on the rack there!
by FunkyObserver September 13, 2011
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Object Cosmos is a show created by Circledude236, or CD236, now we call him Cringedude236. CD236 made oc very toxic that everyone nukes it. Object Cosmos is a very cringy space show that every episode is cringe, even the QnA. CD236 made planets pregnant, have fetishes-ewww-, draw cringe faces and pose, and makes everything from Ohio!!! When viewers look at object cosmos, just any oc episodes or shows, they always die of cringe. Like I was saying, oc is a cringy space show that is a piece of shit!!! OBJECT COSMOS MUST DIE!! OBJECT COSMOS MUST DIE!!! OBJECT COSMOS MIST FUCKING DIE!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRUHHHHH!!!!!!!!
Circledude236 did the most unforgivable thing! He made oc that is shit! He made planets pregnant and every episode from Ohio! Fuck off CD236 AND FUCK OF OBJECT COSMOS!!! *deep inhale* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!
by TanglefingStar January 21, 2023
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When you text with someone and misinterpret everything they say cause you think they're being rude by being overly nice to you so you're rude to them instead and they still wanna be friends even tho you're rude but you don't wanna be friends cause you're rude, also you really wanna show off your rock collection.
I had such a dirty cosmo situation with that guy I was texting last weekend
by Eli.in.roses August 24, 2021
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