kim jung ill is communist, he practices communism

kim jung il is pure fucking evil.
by karatabeatch March 9, 2010
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A mythical form of government orignially dreamed up by Marx and Engles in their book "The communist Manifesto". Under communism everyone would be forced to be equal to give everyone equal amounts of everything, no individuality would be experienced and if you excel in any way you will be handicapped for the good of all. There is no form of government or currency, desire to excel and greed is abolished by magic, all people happily coexist with no desire to do so. Under communism the government does not exist and is expected to give out all needs equally.
<communist>Hey, what now?
<communist>I dunno, wanna work?
<communist>Nah whats the point?
<communist>good point, lets go to the perople's bar and get wasted
<communist>A round of people's ale for all!
by Communism doesnt work August 15, 2004
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"Mordern communism" can be said to be defined by Stalinist Russia, being a despotic state led by a firm, metal grip similar to that of Tsarism. This variation is widely accepted by the western leaders, such as Harry Truman, who viewed communism exactly as such an "evil" ideology.
Down with communism!
by Andrea April 17, 2005
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Communism doesn't work.
by (+_+) December 11, 2017
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am complete load of hippie bullcrap just like nazism/fascism and all other forms of socialism
communism is from hell
by the world blows September 13, 2006
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