Verb. The use of cat urine excreted by male felines to define their territory as a psychedelic drug. Coined in the South Park episode "Major Boobage"
Sarah: "Bob can't keep from cheesing his brains out"

John: " I know, where does he get that many cats?"
by CZARofLA November 17, 2008
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cheese is a tan powder made mostly from acetaminophen and diphenhydramine HCL-the ingredients in Tylenol P.M.- with a little heroin mixed in. The drugs are crushed together, and typically folded into notebook paper.a quarter gram sells for about $5.00, and a single hit sells for about $2.00. It is believed to have started in and around the Dallas/Ft. Worth, Texas area. Users feel euphoric,and then sleepy, lathargic, and hungry. It is ingested through the nose by snorting.
Authorities expect to see more kids hooked on cheese, which is so affordable that little kids can purchase it.
by bluzcrazy April 28, 2006
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From that gay ass song where the farmer picks the wife, etc etc and the cheese stands alone. Meant to describe the odd one out in a group because they're single (without a boyfriend/girlfriend).
"We're triple dating, but what about Nadia? She's The Cheese right now..."
by Branden May 22, 2004
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Line often uttered in early 1930's Hollywood gangster movies meant to "stop it" or "quit it" to cease whatever illegal activity prompts the command often when the police arrive.
Police siren. Hood to other hood: "Cheese it! The cops!!"
by boris lugosi October 1, 2004
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say 'cheeeeeeeeeez'
an act accomplished when going out with your friends but leaving early, not enjoying yourself, getting so drunk that you embarrass yourself intensely. also the act of not wanting to do anything and sit on your couch at home. it can also refer to not wanting to hook up with a girl when she's keen.
i can't believe eric left the party so early and melissa wanted his balls...he's such a CHEESE sometimes.
by 2irie2type December 18, 2007
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A variable used to replace just about anything.
It is most commonly used in reference to the subject of a preceding sentence.
"Did you guys do the paper for today?"
"Pshh, I didn't do that cheese."

"I gotta get my pants tailored."
"When are you getting your cheese tailored?"

"Yo make sure you bring at least 10 bucks tomorrow."
"I don't have any cheese!"

"Omg that chick is SO hot."
"I need to get with that cheese."
by Vork March 12, 2009
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