Someone who hates themselves, abused at age six or molested at twelve. Some people justify their foolish actions. But most can't even fathom the psychological hell some of these kids (even adults) put up with just to get by the eight hour school or work day. Most choose not to step in and do anything about it. Whether it be they're scared or it's just none of their business. The word "bully" isn't necessarily strong enough to make people care. It just conjures up the image of a mean burly kid stealing lunch money. When in all reality it's the embarrassment and painful emotional abuse of feeling subhuman.
What a douche. That bully must of had a shi* childhood.
by Fleurdelisa October 9, 2010
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A pathetic human being who uses violence or words to make someone feel worthless just to make his/herself feel better.
That bully has been taking Kayla's lunch money recently.
by 知識 June 23, 2015
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a person that makes fun of you or maybe even try to attack you. bullying can also happen online! its called "cyber-

I will bully you if you don't give me my pencil back!
by lil ryanzzz October 26, 2020
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a person who uses strength or power to harm or intimidate those who are weaker.
synonyms: persecutor, oppressor, tyrant, tormentor, intimidator; More
use superior strength or influence to intimidate (someone), typically to force him or her to do what one wants.
"a local man was bullied into helping them"
synonyms: persecute, oppress, tyrannize, browbeat, harass, torment, intimidate, strong-arm, dominate; More

Also, See Kayla
by Cobo Jambles September 16, 2017
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Somone who gets you down ,makes you fell unwated and worthless
Ex:that bully just put me in a bad mood👿
by World truths September 25, 2018
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A bully is Also known as people who play the mini game on little people who can’t defend themselves
by October 25, 2019
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