I'm going into the pet shop to look at the budget bears.
by McMutt May 8, 2010
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The budget of your government that even your leader is not aware of. The Uber secret spending spree, think mi5, mi6, cia, asio, mossad or kopassus, FORGET IT, this is the shit that no-one talks about. Nasty shit like vaccuum bombs, laser blinding, audio disablers, Area 51. Try and imagine something nasty, they have already tried it out!
Why does this charge for a screwdriver come in at $4598?.
Oh yes sir thats got the black budget surcharge.
Whats the black budget?
What are you talking about "black budget", you are weird.
by yobbo April 25, 2003
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When the teacher is too lazy to do their job so they just make the class watch a Youtube video explaining the topic.
"Ms. Grayham didn't even teach us anything. She just made us watch a shitty Youtube video. If that's not budget teaching then I don't know what is."
by read_words_kids August 2, 2021
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A painful injury which feels worse than it looks. Like budget biscuits, you expected more than what you got.
by sweetbro4 November 9, 2010
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Theoretical stomach capacity available for a meal, often used in the context of preparing for a large meal or buffet.
"Let's order the wings, a pizza, ribs and dessert".
"I don't know if I have the stomach budget for all that".

"OMG! Everything at this buffet looks amazing! Going to have to work out my stomach budget to make the most of this".
by thelonefoodie March 28, 2016
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Wearing clothes that look good, but are actually cheap/inexpensive. The same goes with cars and things you own.
Man 1: Hey, look at that dude. He dressed so fresh.
Man2: Yeah, but he budget rich.
by Just_Blaze November 27, 2007
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A heavy drinking session managed on a small amount of money ie £10.
John: Fancy coming up town this weekend?
Paul: Nah, im skint, im going on a budget bender.
by John1413123546 July 11, 2008
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