The ultimate 'Frienemy' & 'Emotional trainwreck'

Sufferers of BPD are insecure, in need of social approval and cannot handle criticism (suffers include popular & charismatic people). BPD sufferers are 'frenemies' because they often try to make themselves feel better by putting down friends/family & drag them into their own self inflicted dramas. When friends/family (rightly) try to intervene it is typically interpreted as a personal attack/criticism which often results in a explosive reaction, BPD sufferers will blame everyone but themselves for their situation and will run away from their problems (sometimes literally) and will turn to alcohol/substance abuse and even self harm as it is seen as a quick way out of their current situation.

Although you wouldn't know it, the BPD suffers do actually feel shame for the drama they cause, but instead of changing their behaviour or seeking help they often only end up trying to run away from that doing more severe self-destructive behaviour eventually, for example: running away for the evening becomes sleeping the night rough, binge drinking becomes drug abuse, eating disorders becomes actual attempts on their own lives (i.e. overdose). It's a vicious circle which harms everyone caught in with the BPD sufferer.
Borderline Personality Disorder sufferer walks out of job, you try to encourage him to get his job back. He'll berate you and try to put you down, while getting drunk on your money at the bar, when you stand up to him he'll threaten you if you still don't back down he'll run away disappear for a week and hope everyone is too worried to bring up the topic. A few months down the line he does something stupid again and the pattern repeats getting slightly worse eachtime.
by Godsakes September 24, 2013
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What my sister has.
Rachel: what's wrong?

Me: I didn't get any sleep last night

Rachel: why not?

Me: because my sister was up all night yelling to my parents about how she wishes she was never born

Rachel: that's some real shit

Me: yeah well... that's what life is like when your sister has borderline personality disorder
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The step before really really gay. More of a "wtf is he doing?" kind of gay than a flaming queer eye for the straight guy kind of gay.
When we're in the locker room, he's just walking around with his shit hanging out like nothing's the matter. We think he's borderline motherfuckin faggot.


Did you just say you want me to suck your dick? That's borderline motherfuckin faggot.
by B Y and D-Murder May 20, 2007
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A term that mocks the mental disorder borderline perosonality disorder. This disorder is a complete joke and most teenagers who have it have nothing wrong with them. All the problems that are associated with it can all be dealt with by self-control, not therapy. People who do have it need to learn to grow up and quit making excuses. Therapists should not be allowed to use this disorder as an excuse to label people either.
I fucking hate borderline bullshit disorder.
by You_don't_need_therapy June 25, 2010
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A woman who is always the victim. A woman who cheats on her husband because he does not provide her with enough emotional support. A woman who uses her children as pawns in support/custody proceedings to benefit herself in obtaining more child support money which she doesn't spend on her kids. A woman who goes through boyfriends every 2-3 months and introduces these boyfriends to her children only to have them ripped away once they find out the true colors of the psycho borderline ex wife. The psycho borderline ex wife is greedy, constantly victimized, selfish and usually a gold digger.
Why does the Psycho borderline ex wife always go through a different boyfriend every month???
by The new wife December 9, 2010
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Something that you call your mom. Go. Go tell your mom shes a Borderline Sex Offender. she'll love it!!!
Dad your such a Borderline Sex Offender.
by PenInMyAss June 19, 2020
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An individual who exhibits traits of BPD as described by the DSM V however has not been officially diagnosed with said condition. Is usually stigmatized for “dramatic” and “histrionic” behavior.
David rolled his eyes at dinner when Jordan drunkenly lashed out at his Christian mother for misgendering them on the first meeting and called him out for being a borderline personality damsel in distress.
by jkbbrbrg September 2, 2021
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