1 definition by Godsakes

The ultimate 'Frienemy' & 'Emotional trainwreck'

Sufferers of BPD are insecure, in need of social approval and cannot handle criticism (suffers include popular & charismatic people). BPD sufferers are 'frenemies' because they often try to make themselves feel better by putting down friends/family & drag them into their own self inflicted dramas. When friends/family (rightly) try to intervene it is typically interpreted as a personal attack/criticism which often results in a explosive reaction, BPD sufferers will blame everyone but themselves for their situation and will run away from their problems (sometimes literally) and will turn to alcohol/substance abuse and even self harm as it is seen as a quick way out of their current situation.

Although you wouldn't know it, the BPD suffers do actually feel shame for the drama they cause, but instead of changing their behaviour or seeking help they often only end up trying to run away from that doing more severe self-destructive behaviour eventually, for example: running away for the evening becomes sleeping the night rough, binge drinking becomes drug abuse, eating disorders becomes actual attempts on their own lives (i.e. overdose). It's a vicious circle which harms everyone caught in with the BPD sufferer.
Borderline Personality Disorder sufferer walks out of job, you try to encourage him to get his job back. He'll berate you and try to put you down, while getting drunk on your money at the bar, when you stand up to him he'll threaten you if you still don't back down he'll run away disappear for a week and hope everyone is too worried to bring up the topic. A few months down the line he does something stupid again and the pattern repeats getting slightly worse eachtime.
by Godsakes September 24, 2013
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